Tools & Tech
Air Spade
Tree Shaker
Nuisance fruit and seeds on a tree can create trip hazards, stain sidewalks and pavers, as well as attract wildlife. We have experimented with a variety of ways to eliminate fruit and seeds in a single instance. One such tool we prefer to use is a tree shaker.
Tree shakers have been used for over 40 years in the groves of the Central Valley to harvest nut crops. We decided to try it out shaking ornamental trees and found a tree shaker is very effective with certain varieties. In just one or two visits, nearly all the fruit and seeds can be dropped to the ground and cleaned up.
You should ask us to demonstrate you the potential of this machine. It is quite an experience.
At Green Perspectives, we are experimenting with drone technology to give us better understanding of the landscapes we manage. For example, when assessing the health of a tree from the ground, one can almost never get an overall picture of what is happening in the canopy of the tree. Drones alleviate the need to climb the tree or use a boom lift to get a better look. They can provide us a quicker, more complete view of the tree’s canopy with less risk to an employee.
We also see potential for drones to be used for plant health care. Drones can be used to make more precise, and therefore safer, pesticide applications.
The potential also exists for drones to prune trees. This would again reduces the danger of climbing trees.

Dog Damage Solutions